Supplying You

Supplying You

Custom Mouldings on the Gold Coast


When it comes to plastic injection moulding, we do it all. From small parts to large parts, from even the simplest of parts to the most extreme and complex parts, we can provide it. Our clients range from independently owned businesses to large companies.

We Follow Tried & True Processes

Process control is a crucial and fundamental part of a successful strategy. Only when each and every process is 100% capable of meeting the customer’s expectations can we achieve the quality levels required for continuing success.

Moulds Made Specially for You

With all moulds arriving at C & C Plastics, our company supplies a letter stating that the tooling will produce goods solely for your company. In other words, moulds designed for you will only ever be utilised for production by (or for) your company.

We give a 100% guarantee on all moulded components and products so call us today to get started on creating specific moulds for your company. 

Call now to get started on your next project!

Locally owned and operated so you can be a part of the process
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